7 Reasons Devil May Cry 5 Is A Love Letter To Video Game Fun | PC Review
The Devil May Cry 5 release is almost here and our aching thumbs mean only one thing: we’ve hacked and slashed through a Devil May Cry 5 PC review ro explain how DMC 5 overflows with ideas, brings the combat to life with incredible weight and manages to welcome newcomers like no Devil May Cry game before. Watch the review for more…
Now that the Devil May Cry 5 review embargo has dropped we tell you that this is A Good Game. Over on Rock Paper Shotgun: The Site, Matt C has his Devil may Cry 5 review for you to read (I’ll pop a link below), and these are Video Matthew’s collected thoughts. It’s quite hard writing a Devil May Cry review as the game means different things to different people. We’ve dabbled with Devil May Cry over the years, but never drilled deep into the absurdly nuanced combat, but what we like about Devil may Cry 5 is the way it reveals more of its depths - whether by showing you other players in your world with Cameo Mode, or having a slightly more forgiving difficulty that lets you experiment in peace.
If you play Devil May Cry 5 PC, you’ll probably want to get a controller - the dexterity and rhythm of Dante and Nero’s combos aren’t a natural fit for a mouse and keyboard. As you’ll see if you stick around to the end of our DMC5 review, we’re not too sold on the idea of putting some of the best features into the Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition - we get you want to add incentive to buy it, but not when it means cutting one of the funniest features - the live action cutscenes - from the game. If you do plan to get Devil May Cry deluxe edition, this video does talk you through the key additions. On a more positive note, the Devil May Cry 5 microtransactions that people talked about turn out to be a whole lotta nothing - the pacing of red orbs isn’t noticeably altered, so the whole thing can be ignored.
If you do plan to jump in on Devil May Cry 5 release day, this review is relatively spoiler free - I’ve not included any story details or cutscenes. There’s one boss fight (already show in our earlier video) and some later weapons, but nothing that hasn’t been revealed by Capcom already. As you’ll hear in our Devil may Cry 5 PC review, the game is so overflowing with weird and wonderful weapons and features it would take a while to spoil everything.
I hope you find this Devil May Cry PC review useful - like I mention in the video, I’m not a hardcore Devil May Cry fan, but I was won over by this one more than any game before it. I stop short of calling it the best Devil may Cry 5 ever, because you need to give these things time and see if they hold up in the long-run. If you have any questions about this DMC 5 PC review, do pop them in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer them. If you enjoyed this video please do check out our other videos, such as this lovely Devil May Cry 5 preview video: https://youtu.be/92FrSIvVaBw. Yes, I know it’s a bit old, but there’s some great insight from Hideaki Itsuno about how he makes the games, which should be of interest. I’d love it you subscribed to Rock Paper Shotgun, but I won’t be super salty if you don’t. Thanks for watching.
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