In a dystopian future, a mysterious girl tries to escape some evil robots, hiding something that could save the world. For more information, please see the details and links below:
A BigRock RED Production
Made in just six weeks by the RED Team using Autodesk Maya, Pixologic ZBrush, Substance Painter, Marvellous Designer, Houdini, Adobe Photoshop and After Effects.
Story by: Flavio Carnevale
Supervision by: Roberto Luigi Rotella
Created by:
Tommaso Zagni
Francesco Sogaro
Eleonora Vanin
Benedetta Mardegan
Francesca Di Risio
Anna Mazzatenta
Riccardo Stincone
Andrea Monti
Nicol De Bon
Michele Mantovan
Gianluca Carotenuto
Arianna Caramore
Giorgia Zenere
Alessandro Sorzi
Thomas Gavazzeni
Mattia Chiarin
Davide Rossetto