7 Reasons Control Is The Best Remedy Game Yet | Control Review (PC)
It’s Control review day, which means we can tell you how much fun we’ve had with Remedy’s latest game. In this Control PC review we look at how light RPG and Metroidvania elements work alongside amazing physics powers to make it the best Remedy game yet. This review is story-spoiler free. Thanks to Logitech G and the G432 7.1 Surround Sound gaming headset for sponsoring this video. Check out the tech behind the G432 over on the Logitech G site: http://bit.ly/2FkTkbi.
There is a written Control game review on Rock Paper Shotgun: The Site - we’ll pop it in the comments once it’s live - but this video breaks down why Matthew thinks Control is Remedy’s best work yet. We won’t lie, it has a lot to do with the ability to throw vending machines at people, but there are loads of Control features that impress him, from the ability to build up Jesse Faden with mods, to the hundreds of tiny touches that bring her powers to life. If you watched Alice’s earlier Control impressions you’ll see that the story is neat, too - Matthew doesn;t really go into any of that so to conserve the surprises for you. All this Control gameplay is taken from non-story moments to keep it fresh.
The aim of this video is to put in the context of Remedy’s wider gaming catalogue. Matthew is a huge fan of Max Payne, Alan Wake and Quantum Break, and was impressed with how it took the action and story philosophies of those games and really grew them out into something more impressive. If you enjoyed the spectacle of Quantum Break’s action, you’ll dig Control, which offers far more depth and options, and gives you many more battles to test it out. Of course, all this is in the review. Why are we even writing it here?
This is also Control PC gameplay. Our Control verdict was based on the PC version, which means we are able to present Control RTX in all its glory. This is the ray tracing features that add real-time reflections to the glass and polished floor of the Oldest House - whack the footage up to 1440p for the best sense of how good this can look. Of course, if you are looking for Control Xbox or Control PS4 gameplay, the different versions all have the same features, so all this analysis counts for them. You just won’t get that Control RTX gameplay on the console versions. If you are wondering, this Control PC gameplay was captured on an RTX 2080, in case you are wondering.
If you are wondering about Control game length, we spent just over 15 hours in Control, doing a fair amount of side missions in the process. The Control story can be enjoyed at a quicker pace if you focus on running through, but you’ll miss lots of fun side stories and hidden secrets if you do. Control really comes to life when you take your time to find hidden documents and every nook and cranny of the Oldest House, so expect it to run closer to 20 hours if you really take your time. By the time you reach Control ending I imagine you’ll have got your money’s worth - it’s more substantial than previous Remedy games.
So enjoy this Control game verdict video - the game is packed with stuff that is easily spoiled and we worked hard to make sure we avoided anything important, so feel free to watch the whole thing. If you have any questions about Control, we’ll be happy to answer them - whether it’s something from the review that needs explaining or something we’ve not covered. Want to hear more about furniture destruction? Ask away. Want a better idea of Control upgrades? We can do that. Want to know more about Control RTX options, or other graphical options? Say the word. Want to know how long is Control? We’ve answered that above and in the video.
If you enjoyed this Control review, why not watch some of Rock Paper Shotgun’s previous video reviews? We’ve been doing these for some time now and have too many to pick from. We are particularly proud of our Rage 2 review (https://youtu.be/TYm9rwcBiI0), our trip through Metro Exodus (https://youtu.be/MLAZAmJPKUQ) and our tour of The Outer Wilds (https://youtu.be/4kYtnjmpPg4). And for more of a throwback, Matthew recommends our Forza Hoirzon 4 review (https://youtu.be/6JVXpWF9-YU) and out look at Dragon Quest 11 (https://youtu.be/DWfeUaxAy8E). Loads of good stuff, so I hope you’ll subscribe to Rock Paper Shotgun for more PC reviews to come. Thanks for watching.
#ControlReview #ControlGame #DeathToDesks
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