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Mr Oizo - Flat beat (Official Video with Flat Eric - 1999 - F Communications)

Creator: fcommunications    Category: Music    Added: 02 Sep 2012

Mr Oizo "Flat beat" official video directed by Quentin Dupieux with Flat Eric - Shot in an old appartment few hundred meters away from Le Chateau de Versailles with the amazing puppet "Flat Eric" .
The track itslef is like a UFO in Electronic Music. The song is originally the music of a advertisement campaign created by Quentin Dupieux for Levis-Staprest. FlatEric was in the ads. In 3 weeks, pushed by the success of the ads in Europe, FlatBeat turns as a N°1 hit in the key territories in Europe and sold close to 4 milllions CDs & 12".

Tons of bootlegs were released.. none of them as good as the original:

buy on Itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/fr/album/flat-beat-ep/id121304783

buy on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Flat-Beat-Monday-Massacre-Sick/dp/B000T2F25C/ref=sr_1_cc_2_digr?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1346589723&sr=1-2-catcorr

◾️ FCOM celebrates 25 YO with a brand new website !

⤀ Through 2020, we will reeissue 25 emblematic 12' of our history, stay tuned !

ᚏ R E M A S T E R E D L I M I T E D & R A R E E D I T I O N S ᚏ
First wave will be out on the 24th of April,
Preorder here ↧

#fcommunications #mroizo #flatbeat #flateric #quentindupieux

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