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FIFA 21: PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S - The Next-Gen Difference Tested

Creator: Digital Foundry    Category: Gaming    Added: 22 Dec 2020

UPDATE: A correction on Xbox Series S: this version runs at a native 1080p, contrary to the description at 2:21 in the video. Apologies for any confusion - tests of Series S show in-engine gameplay appears to render at a capped 1920x1080 right now, while other next-gen versions run at a native 4K. We will update if any form of 4K support is added down the line.

One of the most remarkable series upgrades in recent years - FIFA 21 showcases Frostbite engine's Strand Hair Technology. Hair on select players is vastly upgraded, adding physics on each hair strand to give life-like results. Tom and Alex comb through the PS5 and Series X versions, comparing it to FIFA 21's appearance on last-gen machines.

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