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Everything GREAT About Kingsman: The Secret Service!

Creator: CinemaWins    Category: Entertainment    Added: 30 Sep 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle is out! Lots of stuff that made Kingsman earn a sequel. It had a little controversy around it, but still, plenty of R rated fun to be had! Here's everything right with Kingsman: The Secret Service!

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EGA Lego Movie: http://y2u.be/2OAvXJraqJM

That music video I mentioned:
St. Lucia - Before the Tide: http://y2u.be/EmsyXRw3KuI

That Daniel O'Brien I mentioned:
Obsessive Pop Culture Disorder: http://y2u.be/XCkkbvRixTo

Outro Music: "Rise of the Heroes" by Jon Wright

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