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A Giant Wall Of Death And Battlefield V Firestorm’s 6 Best And Worst Features

Creator: Rock Paper Shotgun    Category: Gaming    Added: 21 Mar 2019
Battlefield 5 Firestorm - aka Battlefield V Battle Royale - is finally here, dumping soldiers in a shrinking ring of burning hot death. The firestorm is the best feature of Battlefield V Firestorm - but how do the vehicles, objectives and inventory stack up? And what about the tractor, artillery strikes, bunkers and resupply points? In this Battlefield 5 Firestorm gameplay, we cover the 6 best and worst features. We played Battlefield V Firestorm for a day at Criterion’s studio, so while we can’t offer a full Battlefield Firestorm review (the Rock Paper Shotgun site might do a full Battlefield 5 Firestorm review), we can offer thorough impressions of how Battlefield’s battle royale mode works and which bits of it we do and don’t like. If this was a Battlefield Firestorm review we’d praise the wall of flame itself, showcasing Frostbite's delightful destruction physics as it burns the world to ash. Firestorm is designed to deliver big spectacle - and a fair amount of tension - at every point in the match, and yeah, a giant wall of flame will tick that box. Another highlight of our Battlefield battle royale impressions was getting to emssa round with Criterion’s vehicles, from a tractor to an early version of the helicopter that crashes all too easily. As you watch me plough a flying machine into a hillside you might thing ‘hmmm, maybe it’s a good thing they aren’t doing a Battlefield battle royale review’, but the important thing is that everyone had fun. Elsewhere in our Battlefield 5 firestorm gameplay we show off vehicle lock-ups, resupply points, vehicle supply drops and the artillery strike flare gun. If you like explosions we’ve got a few of those. Still thinking about that tractor, though. Firestorm Battlefield releases on 25 March, free to everyone who owns Battlefield 5. If you plan on playing BF5 Firestorm, why not let us know in the comments - do you think this could make a dent on the busy battle royale scene? If you have any questions about BF5 Firestorm release, or BF firestorm in general, pop them in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer them. And if you enjoyed this video, please do give it a thumbs up and why not subscribe to the channel. You can watch our thoughts on Battlefield 5 as it was at release in our earlier Battlefield 5 review here: https://youtu.be/HAcF1L8ozzE Thanks for watching and hopefully see you again soon. #firestormbattlefield #battlefieldfirestorm #battlefieldroyale

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