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7 Reasons Metro Exodus Is The Best Metro Game Yet | PC Review

Creator: Rock Paper Shotgun    Category: Gaming    Added: 13 Feb 2019
Metro Exodus steps into a ruined world (this isn’t an Epic Games Store gag) and in this Metro Exodus PC review we look at how open world maps improve the survival formula and why it’s the best Metro yet. In fact, Matthew says it’s the best shooter of the last few years. Watch the review to see if he's spent too long in toxic fumes. Our full Metro Exodus review is on Rock Paper Shotgun: The SIte - I’ll pop it in the comments when it is live - but this video breaks down why we think Metro Exodus is one of the best shooters around. It has much to do with Metro Exodus weapons - from pneumatic rifles to stupidly overpowered silenced revolvers - but also the world you’ll be shooting through. These Metro Exodus impressions explain how 4A Games balance open world exploration with the scripted thrills of their earlier games, to create a fascinating action hybrid. This is Metro Exodus PC gameplay, if you’re wondering - captured on an RTX 2060. We’ll post a link to the full technical analysis of the game when it is live on the site. This video is more of Metro Exodus analysis of what makes the mechanics tick. For the verdict on tech, head to the site. We’ve spent just over 20 hours in Metro Exodus heaven. Well, we say heaven - the world of Metro is hardly built for fun. It’s a world of demons that snatch you from the sky, and Humanimals that burst from the sand to gnaw on your legs. You’ll meet lots of helpful friends throughout the Metro Exodus story, however, so you’re not alone. In this video we look at Metro Exodus map size, explaining how it’s open enough to offer freedom of approach, but never so big that it loses a sense of purpose. We also show off those Metro Exodus vehicles, from your desert buggy to the frail rowboat. There are a couple of other surprises waiting for you, too. We’ve tried to keep the review spoiler free, cutting out any big story scenes. Though this Metro Exodus PC gameplay does show off the three sandbox levels - the Volga, Caspian and Taiga. They’ve all been shown in the past, so hopefully that’s okay. How refreshing it is to see a team deliver a proper single player adventure - where everyone else is going Battle Royale crazy, 4A Games have built a meaty adventure for those who prefer to go solo. I hope this Metro Exodus review answers your burning questions - if you have any more, do pop them in the comments and we’ll try to answer them as soon as we can. There’s a lot to the game, so we’ve had to focus on a few favourite bits, but there’s lots more to discover. If you enjoyed this Metro Exodus PC review, why not subscribe to Rock Paper Shotgun for more videos like this? For a taste of our other work, can I recommend our Residen Evil 2 review (https://youtu.be/9il0_E5EYK0) or Reviews Roulette, where we try a selection fo random Steam codes and try to review whatever we discover (https://youtu.be/jUQRiFgoG78). I hope you’ve enjoyed our Metro Exodus PC coverage and that you’ll kjoin us for future videos on all things PC gaming-related. Thanks for watching. #metroexodus #review #rps

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