7 Best And Worst Things About Playing Fallout 76 Solo | PC Beta Impressions
After eight hours in the Fallout 76 PC beta we’ve got a better idea of what works (world design) and what doesn’t (quests, no NPCs, storytelling, most other stuff). Having played Fallout 76 PC beta solo, here are best and worst things about exploring West Virginia.
While we wait to play the game out in the wild to write a proper Fallout 76 PC review, the beta does basically let you play the finished game, albeit for limited window of time. In our time in Appalachia we’ve visited a water park, found a clown costume, found a golden ticket to a theme park, killed a special prize-giving robot and shot many, many ghouls. On the surface there’s enough classic Fallout business - slowly filling in landmarks on the map, scrabbling for better guns in creepy old houses, listening to the ka-ching of a kill - to give a positive Fallout 76 beta review.
But you have to look beneath the surface. You won’t find any Fallout 76 NPCs giving Fallout 76 quests. And with the absence of these characters the world is severely lacking in motivation. It’s also a bit of a downer as everyone is dead and many quests end with you finding a body. Where are the tricky moral decisions? Where are the branching quest outcomes? Without a human element (artificial humans, it’s just endless robots and computers sending you on fetch quests.). Very disappointing! Maybe the wider tale will emerge to be more interesting than it is at the start - we’ll look out for in in the final Fallout 76 review.
Playing Fallout 76 solo may not be how the game was intended, but it’s definitely doable - the new VATS system gives you a magic auto-aim during combat and the survival elements are very simplified to the point that you can practically ignore them. People looking for a proper survival game may feel shortchanged by it, but for people (like me) who wanted a Fallout RPG first-and-foremost, the balance is right. There’s also a giant monster with a beehive for a bum and huge ogre thing based on genuine (read: fake) West Virginia folklore. Truly, something for everyone.
I hope you found these PC impressions helpful. Fallout 76 is bad and good, and we are still weighing up which side wins. If anything needs more explaining or you have questions about things not covered, let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best to offer some answers. Please do share your thoughts on Fallout 76 - do you want to see more of the game on the channel? Again, let us know. If you aren’t already, why not subscribe to Rock Paper Shotgun - we do analysis videos, list features, let’s plays. All good stuff, and we’d love to have you join us for more. Thanks for watching 7 Best And Worst Things About Playing Fallout 76 PC Beta Solo.
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