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How will AI change the world?

Creator: TED-Ed    Category: Education    Added: 18 Mar 2023

Explore the current limitations of artificial intelligence and the possibility of creating human-compatible technology.


In the coming years, artificial intelligence is probably going to change your life— and likely the entire world. But people have a hard time agreeing on exactly how AI will affect our society. Can we build AI systems that help us fix the world? Or are we doomed to a robotic takeover? Explore the limitations of artificial intelligence and the possibility of creating human-compatible technology.

This video is based on interview excerpts from the Radio Davos Podcast. The episode is called, “The promises and perils of AI - Stuart Russell on Radio Davos”.
Listen to the full episode here: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/01/artificial-intelligence-stuart-russell-radio-davos

Directed by Christoph Sarow, AIM Creative Studios.

This video made possible in collaboration with World Economic Forum
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