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The ‘amateur’ F1 team being threatened with consequences

Creator: THE RACE    Category: Sport    Added: 12 May 2023

Underachieving in F1 is bad enough for any team without being on the receiving end of a public blasting from your CEO as well.

Alpine has been attacked by its own chief executive in a pretty astonishing way even by F1 standards, with some aspects of the team labelled amateurish and ‘consequences’ already being threatened.

So what’s prompted this aggressive outburst, does it have any merit - and what’s it actually meant to achieve?

READ MORE HERE: https://the-race.com/formula-1/alpine-ceo-rossi-miami-gp-dilettantism-2023-mistakes/
#alpinef1 #f1 #f12023

00:00 Alpine under fire from own CEO
00:26 Alpine's poor start
02:46 Rossi's rant at Alpine
05:45 What does this achieve?

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