Achoo : Directed by Lucas Boutrot, Elise Carret, Maoris Creantor, Pierre Hubert, Camille Lacroix, Charlotte Perroux
This is the story of a little Chinese dragon that can’t breathe fire because of his allergies. He overcomes this weakness, using it as a strength, to be able to participate at the Chinese New Year’s parade...
Directed by Lucas Boutrot, Elise Carret, Maoris Creantor, Pierre Hubert, Camille Lacroix, Charlotte Perroux
Music : Raphaël Joffres
Sound design : José Vicente & Yoann Poncet – Studio des aviateurs
Voice / Voix : Benoit Allemane
© ESMA - Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques-2017