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Fallout 76 Wastelanders Is A Step In The Right Direction | Fallout 76 Wastelanders Review

Creator: Rock Paper Shotgun    Category: Gaming    Added: 21 Apr 2020
It’s Fallout 76 Wastelanders review time. Does the new Wastelanders DLC transform Fallout 76? It adds NPCs, a new quest and adds more role-playing elements, but does it justify returning to the troubled world of Appalachia? Matthew steps back out of the vault for his Wastelanders review. Why not subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/rockpapershot?sub_confirmation=1 Become a channel member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5bKSAZBvV9AKlBJPG0Py-A/join Come chat to us on Discord: https://discord.gg/rockpapershotgun We played a decent chunk of Fallout 76 at launch, but grew bored of lifeless quests and tech issues. If there’s one thing this Wastelanders Fallout 76 review can confirm is that adding a human face at the start of a quest makes a world of difference, even if the quest itself is just another fetch quest. To be fair, Fallout Wastelanders dresses up the A to B quests better and uses your character stats to spice up dialogue choices. Throughout our Fallout 76 Wastelanders test we were impressed at how the game responds to both new and returning players. Compared to the piecemeal Fallout 76 DLC that preceded it, it’s pretty good. The challenge in writing a Fallout 76 Wastelanders review is that it has many types of players; people who’ve explored for hundreds of hours and are deep in the endgame, to those who gave up a few hours in. We played with a mid-level character and had a good time, but talking to people in game we aren’t sure that Wastelanders has massively changed the endgame - a couple of new events, a good bullion shopping list, the threat of a new beast that only randomly spawns in blast zones… the focus is definitely on the mid-game story. Great for new players, but less appealing to the dedicated. That said, our Wastelanders review time was much more enjoyable than when we first played. You can hear earlier thoughts in our Fallout 76 review (https://youtu.be/64J8DXEW3yg) . And if you are jumping in now, why not check out our Fallout 76 tips and tricks for a good idea of how to get a headstart (https://youtu.be/As4IPC00FvI). If you have any new Fallout 76 Wastelanders tips, do share them in the comments. We’d also like to hear from high level players to see how the endgame is treating them - do you think there’s enough extra stuff to keep you busy? #Fallout76Wastelanders #WastelandersReview #FalloutWastelandersReview

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