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Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker! (Part 2)

Creator: CinemaWins    Category: Entertainment    Added: 15 May 2020

Catch up on Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker! (Part 1)

The conclusion to The Rise of Skywalker and the conclusion to the whole dang saga. The response to the first video was overwhelmingly positive even if not everyone agrees with me. Obviously, some people wish I wasn't alive, that just comes with talking about Star Wars. ;) But now let's talk about Star Wars... One last time.

EGA The Rise of Skywalker! (Part 1): https://youtu.be/cLEYTkwu2tY
RedCaio: Musical Theme Connections video: https://youtu.be/8uvEtIWpLYI

Support me through PATREON if you'd like: https://www.patreon.com/CinemaWins

CinemaWins Merch! https://standard.tv/collections/cinemawins

Time Stamps if you want to jump around:
00:39 - Introduction
01:34 - Planning
07:37 - Pacing
09:56 - Expectations & Realizations
11:04 - Stuff I Got Wrong & Comments
12:23 - Great Stuff
13:12 - Addressing Complaints
14:31 - The Force
17:38 - Stakes
21:02 - Characters & Actors
23:30 - Rey's Lineage
24:51 - Outro

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