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How Magnetism Shapes The Universe

Creator: PBS Space Time    Category: Education    Added: 04 Aug 2021

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Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics proposes that every time a quantum event gets decided, the universe splits so that every possible outcome really does occur. But where exactly are those worlds, and can we ever see them?

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Hosted by Matt O'Dowd
Written by Matt O'Dowd
Graphics by Leonardo Scholzer, Yago Ballarini, & Pedro Osinski
GFX Visualizations: Katherine Kornei
Directed by Andrew Kornhaber
Assistant Producer: Setare Gholipour
Executive Producers: Eric Brown & Andrew Kornhaber

End Credits Music by J.R.S. Schattenberg: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRl6-nb4iOnsij-vnpAjp0Q

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Big Bang Supporters
Kyle Bulloch
Ananth Rao
Mrs. Tiffany Poindexter
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Cass Costello
Tristan Deloche
Bradley Jenkins
Kyle Hofer
Daniel Stříbrný
Vlad Shipulin
Malte Ubl
King Zeckendorff
Nick Virtue
Scott Gossett
Dan Warren
Patrick Sutton
John Griffith
Daniel Lyons
Kevin Warne
Andreas Nautsch
Brandon labonte

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