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Everything GREAT About Deadpool 2!

Creator: CinemaWins    Category: Entertainment    Added: 03 Nov 2018

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Deadpool 2! The sequel to the movie in the video that launched a 1000 me's… I like this movie. I did predict there would be critics saying "not as good as the first" but I never checked. Let's assume I was right. Here's everything right with Deadpool 2!

Also, yes, this video is a continuum of my sickness getting worse and my voice getting raspier as recording went on. You're not crazy.

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Check out my other videos:

EGA A Quiet Place: http://y2u.be/6qvAAxeevbo
EGA Deadpool: http://y2u.be/DHWEmj_NS1Y
EGA Logan: http://y2u.be/9kApOusvOm0
EGA Chronicle: http://y2u.be/ydHEGhQghPY
EGA Solo: A Star Wars Story: http://y2u.be/tK4-NV1kYQU
EGA Black Panther: http://y2u.be/PwPwJFIwD80
EGA LOTR 1: Fellowship of the Ring (P1): http://y2u.be/b7evmxZyz_M
EGA LOTR 1: Fellowship of the Ring (P2): http://y2u.be/tK4-NV1kYQU
EGA Infinity War (Part 1): http://y2u.be/-M6HnyBp5Vo
EGA Infinity War (Part 2): http://y2u.be/GITgvUHJfXg

Outro Music: "Rise of the Heroes" by Jon Wright

#Deadpool2 #CinemaWins #Deadpool

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