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Let's break it down:
00:00 Intro
02:00 Final alignment image in the Large Magellanic Cloud
02:50 Magellan TV
03:38 About the image and its colors
06:36 Why are there 6 diffraction spikes in NIRCam's image?
07:48 NIRSpec and its broken microshutters
10:10 NIRISS - Near-Infrared Imaging Slitless Spectrometer
10:57 How the Fine Guidance Sensors (FGS) work
11:31 Why the Mid Infrared Instrument (MIRI) has fuzzy stars
14:02 Instrument commissioning
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🧭 References:
JWST Documentation: https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu
Gáspár et al 2020: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.11908
Infrared Detectors: https://jwst.nasa.gov/content/about/innovations/infrared.html
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